Sharing with you another very simple and quick recipe that will satisfy your tastebuds. This Keto Minute Tofu Scramble resembles a scrambled egg and it is just as good. With the added peas, bell peppers and some seasonings, you will absolutely love this dish that is ready in one minute!

It’s actually a perfect vegan keto meal. Since there are a lot of people wondering if they can do keto while being vegan, the answer is yes! This recipe is just one of the examples. I love how the combination of ingredients turned out. Simple yet overflowing with flavor. Tofu is packed with protein as well and is a low-carb ingredient. Just make sure to have it in moderation, and follow what’s written in the recipe guide.

This plate of goodness consists of tofu, peas, bell peppers, nutritional yeast, tamari, along with olive oil, and salt & pepper to taste. It’s your choice if you want to cook in the stove or just place it in the microwave. Anything will do but in this one, putting it in the microwave is much faster. Great for when you are in a hurry!

Be sure to try this Keto Minute Tofu Scramble one day and you’ll be surprised how good it can be!

Preparation time: 2 minutes

Cooking time: 1 minute

Servings: 1


70 grams Firm Tofu, crumbled

30 grams of Frozen Peas

30 grams Diced Bell Peppers

2 tbsp Nutritional Yeast

1 tsp Tamari

1 tsp Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper, to taste



  1. Combine all ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl.

combine all ingredients

2. Microwave for 1 minute. Serve while hot.

Keto Minute Tofu Scramble

Nutritional Information:

Energy – 169 kcal
Protein – 13g (26%)
Fat – 11g (54%)
Carbohydrates – 8g (19%)
Fiber – 3g

Watch the video on how to prepare Keto Minute Tofu Scramble:

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